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Refunds & returns

How can I return or exchange a product?

Our prime objective is to delight our customers. We have a very simple and hassle free return policy. You may return unworn/unused & unwashed merchandise with all tags attached in the original packing along with invoice as it was delivered to you. You just need to drop us a mail on or you can also WhatsApp us on +91 8368603939.

Just follow these easy steps:

  1. We have a 7-day return policy, kindly drop us an email at  within 7 days from the date of delivery of your order.

  2. Ensure you mention your Order ID details along with the image of the product and reason to return your product.
  3. Product that are sold as packs cannot be returned as individual item.
  4. Please ensure that the returned merchandise is unused, unworn, unwashed, undamaged and in sale-able condition as a fresh product. Include all price tags labels, original packing and invoice along with the product.
  5. Customer Support will validate the return query and will get back to you.
  6. Please ensure that all the returned items are packed securely and safely to prevent any loss or damage during transit.
  7. Any point missing from above may lead to reject your return request.
  8. We reserve the right to refuse the return/refund request of items if in case of used, damaged, washed, soiled or altered. The same will be sent back to the customer.
  9. Items bought under discount during sales or special promotions, or using promo-codes cannot be returned/replaced.
  10. We are unable to accept the return from countries outside India.